I just want to go on the record saying that I do at all agree with the sentiments expresed in the Kos Diarist being passed around. Also, I firmly denounce Mr. Kos for posting it - unless, it turns out that he published that anti-Semite for the same reason I publish Naftuli (ie: So the commenters can have the fun of destorying the guy.)
Predictably, small-brained people on the right are trying to say that the views of this one, lonley fringe, diarist represent the whole entire Democratic party. What a laugh.
First, did you notice all the lefties who were screaming at the guy on the comment thread? Second, have you noticed that the Democrats in Congress have offered Israel more support than both their Republican counterparts and the White House? And third, until a fringe Democrat wins the New Hampshire primary it's clear that the anti-Semites on the Republican right wield far more influence and are far more dangerous than any anonymous blogger. The GOP is home to David Duke and Pat Buchanan for a reason after all.