Note: Links have been fixed.
Additionally, please note that the 12 Democrats who opposed the "we love Israel" resolution have been roundly condemned on this blog. Meanwhile, I am still waiting for even ONE GOP blog to celebrate the nearly 200 Democrats who supported the resolution or to condemn the House Republican who voted "no."
Also, it would be nice to hear some disaproval from the GOP-Jews for John Warner. Warner is the Republican Senator who called Israel's acts of self defense "extraordinary" and urged the Administration to call on Israel to use restraint because he worried that Israeli actions might"affect our operations in Iraq..."
Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers on July 12, but it took almost nine days for the Republican led House to denounce it and pass a resolution in support of Israel.
Here's why:
Wednesday, July 12
* Hezbollah terrorists cross into Israeli territory, kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and killing seven others.
* Democrats, led by Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (NV) , House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), Senate Democratic Whip Richard Durbin (IL) , and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) immediately express their full support for Israel and call on Hezbollah to return the soldiers and end terrorist attacks on Israel.
Thursday, July 13
* Hezbollah fires countless missiles into northern Israeli towns.
* Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi signs off on an Israel solidarity resolution and calls on House Republican Leadership to pass the resolution before adjourning for the week.
* Republicans reject Democrat's request and adjourn the House of Representatives until July 17 without considering the resolution.
* Democratic support for Israel is overwhelming.
Friday, July 14
* Israel continues to be hit by Hezbollah missiles.
* The Senate does not pass an Israel solidarity resolution before adjourning for the week because two Republican Senators, including Republican Senator and Chairman of the Armed Services Committee John Warner (VA), object to a line in the resolution urging the President "to continue fully supporting Israel as Israel exercises its right of self defense in Lebanon and Gaza."
*Nothing from the House.
Saturday, July 15
*Israel continues to be attacked by Hezbollah terrorists.
*The Associated Press reports that Republican Senator Warner considers Israel's acts of self defense "extraordinary" and urges the Administration to call on Israel to use restraint because Israeli actions could "affect our operations in Iraq..."
*Still nothing from the House.
Sunday, July 16
*Haifa is attacked.
*The House is still silent on Israel despite House Democratic Leader Pelosi having signed off earlier in the week - for the second time - on a resolution expressing U.S. solidarity with Israel and calling for its immediate passage.
*Republican Senators are still holding up an Israel solidarity resolution.
Monday, July 17
*Haifa and cities north are all but shut down because of continued attacks. The Israeli military reports shooting down a long-range missile that was possibly aimed at Tel Aviv.
* Republican Senators finally let the Senate vote on Israel solidarity resolution. The resolution passes.
*Still nothing from the House.
Tuesday, July 18
* Hezbollah terrorists continue to attack Israel.
* Still nothing from the House.
Wednesday, July 19
*Hezbollah militants clash with Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon.
8 Republicans finally permit the House to begin debating an Israel solidarity resolution at 6:55 PM, but not before pushing through a bill stripping the Judiciary of its constitutional right to hear cases regarding the Pledge of Allegiance and which will "severely limit the rights of religious minorities."
*The House adjourns without passing the solidarity resolution.
Thursday, July 20
*Eight days have passed since the conflict in Israel began. Israeli towns from Haifa to the northern border are being bombarded by missile attacks.
* FINALLY, after a week of playing politics with the resolution, Republicans permit the House to vote on an Israel solidarity resolution at 12:10 PM.