Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pledgeapalooza continues

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That the Republicans are up-in-arms over something as trivial as a translation of the national anthem is indicative of their upcoming election strategy. Unable to answer for their absolute inability to govern - whether it be the war, Hurricane Katrina, corruption, gas prices - Republicans must pander to their extremist base to stay in office. As elections approach, you can count on persecution if you're gay, a woman, a minority or if you support concepts like 'science' and 'separation of church and state'.

Republicans should be excited about 'Nuestro Himno'. They should be thankful someone still wants to take pride in America, considering all that Republicans have done in her name since Bush took office. After Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, white phosphorus, secret prisons, outsourced torture and warrantless wiretapping alone, that anyone still wants to take pride in this country is amazing to the point of disbelief. Yet the right pitches a fit when someone wants to translate the anthem into another language? Hell, Republicans ought to be passing out lyric sheets. In Klingon.

But, as you know, they're not. No, Republicans are doing what Republicans do: Overreacting to an overinflated, overhyped threat. Instead of confronting a complex issue with rational thought, Republicans are again panicking, lashing out at a threat to their hegemony by demonizing people for showing the very spirit that made this once-great country what it was.

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