Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Never mind the facts Tucker

From the May 1 edition of MSNBC's The Situation with Tucker Carlson:

CARLSON: Where's all the -- I'm dead serious. Where is the ACLU? Where is all the -- the chorus of the anti-drug people, and I'm on their side, the anti-drug-law people, because I actually don't like drug laws that much.
MADDOW: Fair enough.
CARLSON: But why aren't they standing up for Rush Limbaugh? They're not standing up for him because they think he's a right-wing creep. That's why."

Unfortunately, for Tucker, in, you know, the real world, the ACLU filed a friend-of-the-court brief in Limbaugh's case protesting the state of Florida's seizure of Limbaugh's medical records as a violation of his right to privacy. This was done in Januray 2004.

I came across this little tidbit as part of my research for a post I am writing entitled "People who Hate the ACLU are Enemies of Judaism and America" and I plan to dedicate it to all the Jewish bloggers who've self-righteously linked to Stop The ACLU, a site which seems more concerned with promoting Christianity than anything else.

In fact, from what I can tell, most of the ACLU's Jewish enemies are people who wish to cuddle up to the Christians, and hope to curry their favor by speaking loudly in defense of creches and school prayer. The fools don't understand that the seperation of church and state is good for America and good for the Jewish people. Furthermore, they don't seem to realize that the ACLU frequently goes to court for Jewish causes. The ACLU defends soldiers who wish to wear kippahs, prisoners who desire kosher meals and permission to observe Yom Tov, and public school students who want to wear their tzisit out, among many, many other issues.

The people who hate Jews know this. They know the ACLU supports the rights of individuals to express themselves as they see fit, and there's nothing a bigot hates more than free expression. (You might say that hate is the root of all bigotry) It hasn't escaped my notice that the most rabid of the anti-ACLU people are racists and anti-Semites who condemn the ACLU as a "Jewish organization." Are those people we want as political allies? If the neo-Nazis and the skinheads and the America Firstniks and are advocating for the destruction of the ACLU, that's all the proof we should need that the ACLU is on our side.
