Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Johnny-come-lately, John Podhoretz, is gloating in the polite, yet restrained - dare I even say unbiased? - manner of Fox-employed pundits the world over:
Yesterday was a day for Democrats and opponents of George W. Bush to swallow their bile and retract their claws and join just for a moment in celebration of an amazing and thrilling human drama in a land that has seen more than its share of thrilling human drama over the past 5,000 years.

But you just couldn't do it, could you?

Why isn't the left rushing to congratulate Bush for finally recognizing that Arabs are people, too? Well, hmmm. Let's think.

Maybe it is because, the right, has, for the better part of 10 years, insisted that Arabs are biologically incapable of anything but violence. It isn't the left who had their dearly held beliefs upended yesterday at the Iraqi voting booths. It wasn't the left that was proven wrong.

In fact, the person who seems to have been brought up sharply is one chickenhawk named John Podhoretz. His partisan glee, I suppose, prevents him from remembering that he once implied that violence was the Arab way of life.
