Money quote:
In districts around the country, even when evolution is in the curriculum it may not be in the classroom, according to researchers who follow the issue. Teaching guides and textbooks may meet the approval of biologists, but superintendents or principals discourage teachers from discussing it. Or teachers themselves avoid the topic, fearing protests from fundamentalists in their communities."I still think my school did it best. Before we started the Regents-required unit on evolution, a Rabbi came to our biology class and, over two days, delivered the Torah's view on the subject. Afterwards, the (non-Jewish) biology teacher was free to do as he liked.
MEMO TO RABBI PLAUT: The article also says: "While plenty of scientists reject religion many others do not... About 40 percent of scientists said not just that they believed in God, but in a God who communicates with people and to whom one may pray "in expectation of receiving an answer."
So, Rabbi Plaut, perhaps you might want to re-examine your contention (implied in several places) that "science" is some sinister clubhouse of atheists plotting to overthrow God.