Saturday, January 10, 2015

Why you can't blame the Muslims

>>So if a Klansman lynches a Black person, can you pin that on his being a Klansman? Can you say that the Klan has nothing top do with it? When Nazi's chose to gas people, maybe you can't pin that on their being Nazis?

Here's the correct way of thinking about this:

The Klan was a reactionary Protestant Christian movement. They didn't represent all christianity. Not every Christian in the whole world signed on to their program, but some did. And of that group, a smaller minority actually committed acts of violence. You can't pin those acts of violence on Christianity because Christianity is decentralized with lots of competing sects and subsects

Nazism was a reactionary Catholic movement. They didn't represent all of Catholicism. Not every Catholic in the whole world signed on to their program, but some did. And of that group, a smaller minority actually committed acts of violence. You can to some extent pin those acts of violence on Catholicism, but only because Catholicism is centralized and has official church-approved teachings (which were anti-Semitic and, over centuries, made Europe ready for the massacres) but only to some extent: It couldn't have happened without Catholicism, but Catholicism alone didn't produce the Nazis.

The Islamists are a particular type of Muslim movement. They didn't represent all of Islam . Not every Muslim in the whole world has signed on to their program, but some have. And of that group, a smaller minority actually commits acts of violence. You can't pin those acts of violence on Islam because Islam is decentralized with no central authority, no official teachings, and lots of competing sects and subsects

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