My brother-in-law recently enrolled in the Lakewood yeshiva,
and I was surprised to find out that:
1. Tuition for beis medrash is tens of thousands of dollars
a year, and
2. The kollel doesn’t get paid.
So where does all the money go? As I understand it, the “faculty”
give shiurim maybe once a week, and learning is mostly done in chaburas, led by
one of the students (who, if he’s in beis medrash, is paying for the privilege of
teaching for free). So the money isn’t spent on teachers. BMG gets grants from
the state of New Jersey, there are often fundraisers for the yeshiva, and even
the reduced tuition that my in-laws can afford covers room and board with
enough left over to pay some utility bills. So the money isn’t going to pay for
food or facilities.
Do they have less money then it would seem? Is maintaining
the facilities much more expensive than I think? Is the cynical conclusion
correct, and the Rosh Yeshiva has one of these?

Does anyone out there know where it all goes?