You can #irony all over this, but here I am in the middle of a Twitter-war with the notoriously awful readers at HonestReporting.
According to the anti-DovBear media it began when I bombarded them with white phosphorus missiles of indignation, but typically the papers are failing to mention the unprovoked suicide bomb of stupidity that started it all.
But luckily, Twitter preserves all.
The fight began, as most things do, with a discussion of the Six-Day War. I introduced Michael Oren's book and his claim that Israel, throughout the sixties, had been looking for an opportunity to go to war with Syria, for the purpose of knocking them off the heights, once and for all
@HonestReporting Oren's book makes it clear that Israel wanted war with Syria and was goading them into a conflict.
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 17, 2013
@HonestReporting because as Orem says they wanted the fighr
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 11, 2013
@DovBear It's still speculation. The context remains vital. If they were absolutely definitely going to attack, why hadn''t they already?
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 18, 2013
@HonestReporting they had. Throughout the sixties the air force attacked Syrian targets
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 18, 2013
Here it comes:
@DovBear Are you saying the Syrians were just sending love and roses and Israel responded with bombs?
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 20, 2013
@HonestReporting yes that's exactly what is am saying. Snort.
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 21, 2013
@DovBear It like exactly like what you're saying.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 21, 2013
@HonestReporting you're a great reader. Well done.
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 21, 2013
@DovBear If you can't discuss without sarcasm, that's fine. But don't expect to be taken seriously.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 22, 2013
@HonestReporting you can't read or Interpret my tweets correctly and I'm the one who has to worry about being taken seriously?
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 22, 2013
@HonestReporting are you insane? You said something about me that was crazily self evidently false and I have to take it seriously?
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 22, 2013
@DovBear There you go again. Any little thing you don't like and the other person is automatically insane. It's impossible to talk to you.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 24, 2013
Note the invocation of Ronald Reagen and the deliberate misinterpretation of a common expression. Double bonus RW Conservative arguing points!
@HonestReporting Read the thread again and pay close attention to your own behavior. Also note I was not literally calling you insane
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 25, 2013
@HonestReporting we went off the rails when you made the asinine and indefensible statement that I thought Syria sent Israel love
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 25, 2013
@DovBear We were talking about context. you said Israel attacked syria, but didn't say what Syria was doing. You need context. #crybaby.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 25, 2013
More RW brilliance! I am the crybaby, when he's the one who threw the original hissyfit (and when his entire website is nothing but one long anti-media temper tantrum. Whah Whah. They put something above the fold. Boo hoo now its below the fold. Everybody hates us. Mommmyyyy!!!)
@HonestReporting u said I thought Syria was sending "love and roses" u need to stop putting words in peoples mouth, making assumptions, etc
— DovBear (@DovBear) November 25, 2013
But, of course, if he stopped putting words in people's mouthes and making invalid assumptions his little media-criticism site would be much quieter.Search for more information about war