Monday, November 25, 2013

1,2,3,4 Let's have a Twitter war.

You can #irony all over this, but here I am in the middle of a Twitter-war with the notoriously awful readers at HonestReporting.

According to the anti-DovBear media it began when I bombarded them with white phosphorus missiles of indignation, but typically the papers are failing to mention the unprovoked suicide bomb of stupidity that started it all.

But luckily, Twitter preserves all.

The fight began, as most things do, with a discussion of the Six-Day War. I introduced Michael Oren's book and his claim that Israel, throughout the sixties, had been looking for an opportunity to go to war with Syria, for the purpose of knocking them off the heights, once and for all
Here it comes:
Note the invocation of Ronald Reagen and the deliberate misinterpretation of a common expression. Double bonus RW Conservative arguing points!
More RW brilliance! I am the crybaby, when he's the one who threw the original hissyfit (and when his entire website is nothing but one long anti-media temper tantrum. Whah Whah. They put something above the fold. Boo hoo now its below the fold. Everybody hates us. Mommmyyyy!!!)
But, of course, if he stopped putting words in people's mouthes and making invalid assumptions his little media-criticism site would be much quieter.

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