Monday, September 20, 2010

Yom Kippur 5771 run down

Here's my Yom Kippur 5771 run down

Final meal (we eat once, not twice*)
  • Melon
  • Soup with kreplach
  • Roast chicken
  • Roast potatoes
  • Israeli salad
  • Chocolate cake
Daytime Services
  • Started at 8 am 
  • Finished at 3 p.m.
  • Started again at 5:15 p,m
  • Finished for good on time

Break-fast **
  • Havdalah
  • Strawberry rhubarb pie
  • Mushroom barley soup
  • Shnitzel
  • More pie
Other notes:
  • As usual, the music in my shul was very good, though less Deveykus and no MBD at all would have been even better.
  • There is exactly one way to do Avos, one way to do Aleinu, and one way to do Neilah. If you're not going to do it that way, don't be shat'z.
  • I was less annoyed than usual at the self-absorbed people who sit with a Gemarah open, oblivious to the service going on around them.
  • I was more amazed than usual at the skill, brilliance, and talent that went into composing the shachris Imru Laylokim. It was as if I was seeing it for the first time. (the musaf Imru Laylokim is less good for a few reasons).
  • The four maariv piyutim, if I haven't said it before, are perfect, and a chazan who debases them with a bubblegum tune should be dragged out of the building and kicked to the curb (In my shul the chazan's selections were fine.)
  • The Rabbi spoke after Kol Nidrei, and did not speak at all on Yom Kippur (which is exactly as it should be.)
* For reasons I can't fathom, the Hasidic Jews, and those who wish to emulate them (also for reasons I can't fathom) have two, big sit-down meals on erev Yom Kippur. There's nothing wrong with this.
** Because Shabbos and Yom Kippur coincided, eating was not permitted until after Havdalah. If you goofed, and ate before a man made havdalah for you (Surprise ladies: Orthodox Judaism frowns on women making their own havdalah) you have to do the whole fast over again. (KIDDING!) (only about the last part) (the rest is true)

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