Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In honor of Halloween ...

Hirhurim warns against demons

Long story short: In what must be a holiday-inspired post Ari Enkin publishes Rabbi Yehuda haTzadik's famous warning about demons. You (I hope) are laughing, but lots of people in my shul think this stuff is real, and many of them have stories about people who ignored the warnings and suffered DIRE CONSEQUENCES.

[Who's surprised that so many people worry about this sort of superstitious nonsense more than they worry about actual, codified halacha? Not me. Who's surprised that Gil, in his comments, protests that we must be respectful and tolerant of superstitious nonsense. Again, not me. I'm also not surprised to see this lunacy propogated on an MO blog like Hirhurim: The MO are chronically insecure: "We musn't look less frum than Haredim."]

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