Thursday, June 28, 2007

"I'm a very efficient person"

"I'm a very efficient person"

So spaketh my wife this morning, as we parted company for the day. What produced this immodest assertion? Only the following:

What she did before 9:30 am
(1) Put a giant pot of chicken soup on the stove. (I assume she also chopped, diced, shredded and otherwise disassembled the soup ingredients and also inserted them into the pot, but perhaps this was done last night)
(2) Prepared some other savory-scented dish intended for shabbos, likely for us, but perhaps for a convalescing neighbor. (About 15 percent of the time the savory-scented dishes I relish on Thursday morning end up on someone else's table. I've taught myself not to care. But it wasn't easy.)
(3) Dressed the kids who don't dress themselves
(4) Did part one of the camp carpool.
(5) Did a quick grocery shopping, by which I mean she picked up 5 or 6 bags of staples and essentials at the neighborhood market.
(6) Embarked on part two of the camp carpool

What I did before 9:30 am
(1) Dressed, prayed, etc.
(2) Retrieved the newspaper.
(3) Read the sports section
(4) Scanned the headlines
(5) Checked the editorials for blogworthy material
(6) Boiled water
(7) Added powdered coffee to the water
(8) Mixed in some sugar
(9) ...and some milk
(10) Drank it down.
(11) Noticed my wife entering the house with 5 or 6 bags of staples and essentials.
(12) Commented on the productiveness of her morning, producing the quote cited above.

Hmmm. You know, when I itemize my accomplishments like that the list doesn't look too shabby. Not at all. I mean I did twelve things.