Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Chofetz Chaim Footage


I imagine most readers have already seen this newly found footage of R. Israel Meir Kagan (1839–1933), popularly known as the Chofetz Chaim.

There is this "modern" looking fellow in a bowtie, who at the last moments of this section of the clip, runs up to the camera to cover it with two hands. 

You can see bow tie outside of the gate even after the CC walks through:

Here he is clearly rushing towards the camera :

This fellow rushes back seemingly to block or stop bow tie, but he pushes through: 

And here he is about to ruin the footage: 

  • Was he connected to the CC entourage?

  • Why did someone try to stop him from getting past the CC?

  • Was he acting on knowledge that the CC was unhappy about being videotaped?

  • Was he just a random loon?