Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Notice Re Shidduch Resumes

In light of the recent revelation that some men have not been properly circumcised (see here) the Vaad HaShiduchim of Lakewood will now require photographs of penises with all dating resumes. While girls are required to submit pictures of their heads, boys will ONLY be required to submit pictures of their penises. Again, boys will NOT have to provide pictures of their face.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, but בנות ישראל קדושים הן , our Jewish daughters are holy, and they will not know what the male member is supposed to look like on their wedding night.

Please be assured that ONLY the shadchan and prospective fathers in law will be shown the pictures. 

May all of out tefilos be answered this Yom Hadin.

Text here Search for more information about shidduch crisis at4torah.com