Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Christian priorities

New Orleans Residents: God's Mercy Evident in Katrina's Wake
“New Orleans now is abortion free. New Orleans now is Mardi Gras free. New Orleans now is free of Southern Decadence and the sodomites, the witchcraft workers, false religion -- it's free of all of those things now," [Rev. Bill Shanks, pastor of New Covenant Fellowship of New Orleans]says. "God simply, I believe, in His mercy purged all of that stuff out of there -- and now we're going to start over again."
Replies the Balabusta In Blue Jeans:

The numerous rapes reported from the city are doubtless irrelevent to God. That's the kind of wickedness we can all live with.

The sodomites and the witches are wet, hungry, dehydrated and going to Houston, but I assume they're still sodomites and witches, and will come home again in due time.

Pregnant women are getting no medical attention nor proper nutrition, but at least they won't be able to abort.

God be good to all of them, since I doubt they can depend on the likes of Mr. Shanks for much.