Sunday, May 08, 2005

NASA: Atheist Liars

Via GH, I see the forces of darkness are rallying. A pamphlet, called Ma'amar Mevo Hashemesh is being circulated, purporting to show that, by Jewish lights, it is heresy to believe that the earth revolves around the sun.

The date of the pamphlet is not given, but I hope it's old. Very old. Older than 1992, at least, which is when the Catholics finally apologized for condemning Galileo, and admitted that telescopes and sattelites don't lie. I'd hate to think that we Jews have fallen behind the Catholics, in the race to become the least backwards religion.

[Of course the pontiff managed to muff even his apology to Gelileo, citing "a tragic and mutual incomprehension" between the Inquisition and the scientist - as if there were errors on both sides.]

Fun fact to know and tell: It was Gelileo's nemesis, Urban VIII who ended the Roman custom of requiring a Jew, upon entering the pontiff's presence, to kiss the Holy Father's foot. Urban instead had the Jew kiss the floor on the spot where the pope's foot had stood.

How's that for Catholic progress?