Monday, May 09, 2005

How to tell the peasant from the mentch (third of many)

The peasant says:
According to the official shul schedule which hangs on the official bulliten board, in the official lobby, of our official shul, our official early Friday night minyan officially begins at 7:00 pm. So how come you let them start at 6:45? Are you in charge or not? Who's running this place? Do we have rules here? Or what?

Unfortunately for the poor gabbai, the other peasants say:
Man, that gabbai is on his high horse today. We went to him nicely, and asked with all respect if we could please daven on Friday night at 6:45, and he said no! And do you know why? Because (sneering tone) it's on the schedule? What are we some kind of Reform Temple all of a sudden? If it's on the (sneering tone) schedule its Torah from Sinai? Who cares about the schedule? If the people want to daven earlier, they should be allowed to daven earlier. Do the people have any rights here? Or what?

Meanwhile the mentch says
(politely) For the love of God, will you both please shut up!