Following is a short list of some of the pleasures the Torah/Gemarah permits but were proscribed over the last few thousand years due to the accumulation of Jewish piety.
1 - Chicken pizza (At least according to Rav Yosi Haglili, a first century sage, who allowed foul and milk to be eaten together.)
2 - Kitniyos on Pesach
3 - Multiple wives
4 - Concubines.
5 - Premarital sex (Hard to proove, I know, but I think there's an early consensus that this is permitted, techinically, so long as the woman has been to the mikva)
6 - Slaves
And how's this for bizarre - if I, today, were to take a concubine, or a second wife, or a slave, my morals would be denounced, and leading the pack of denouncers would be the sort of people who swear and insist that morals don't change.
It's really a puzzle for us relativists. The evidence of history is that we've always been content to let morals shift and slide, even -and especially- within the major religions. So how do the people who say that morality is absolute and never changing explain this? Why can't I eat chicken with milk? Why can't I take a slave? Were the rules of morality altered?