If you don't hate Star Wars this will change your mind. Believe it or not, there exists a Star Wars music albulm that makes Episodes I and II seem Oscar-worthy. Which says something.
The mockery and snark about the albulm to which this link directs you is A-1, though.
This other link will take you directly to the horror that is Star Wars Christmas allowing you to listen in for as long as you can stand, but I warn you: I haven't been to a mikva in three years; after 20 seconds of this albulm I am running for a dunk. I'm also going to burn my ears off. You'll be looking for an ice pick to jam into your skull in less time than that.
It will make your ears bleed.
There's not much else I can say to prepare you for the musically-induced nausea and horrible lyrics that await you, so I close with this apology: if you love Star Wars, I'm really sorry about this. You and C3-PO won't ever be the same.