
Monday, October 22, 2018

Palestinian woman dies 'after Israeli settlers pelt her car with stones'

Ok, saw this terrible report and here were my initial thoughts, in no real order as they came at once in a jumble.

- Rare
- I mean, right? It's rare... right?
- Atrocious horrible terrible
- What is wrong with the Jews?
- How did we get here?
- Ok, see, they were right about how the occupation is - destroying Jewish morality
- I don't think this is exactly rare... Jews have been attacking Arab civilians since the days of Lechi and Irgun.
-Are the hasbara trolls going to claim self-defense?
-Who are their parents? Who are their teachers? How did people who, supposedly, were educated like me, for the most part, end up as members of a murderous, racist mob?

What were your initial thoughts?

(and because I know Team WhatAbout is going to ask me to reveal my initial thoughts upon hearing about a Jewish death, let me just confirm that when a Jew is involved it stops at "Atrocious horrible terrible")

PS: Please pay attention to the quotes 'after Israeli settlers pelt her car with stones'. When a Jew is a victim, and the reporting is done the same way, RWers whine about the quotes. So don't forget they were used here, too.

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