
Thursday, January 31, 2013

UK Haredi Cover Up

Our crack UK correspondent has let us know that a British TV station ran a documentary last night alleging that senior UK Rabbis have actively covered up cases of child abuse and discouraged victims from seeking help from the police.

In the clip below, an undercover operative, who says he was a victim himself, is seem on hidden camera confronting Rabbi Ephraim Padwa. The documentary aired last night. The great Miriam Shaviv reported the full story on January 24

If you are fortunate enough to live in the UK, you can see the whole program (though you'll spell it programme, I suppose). When the Brits get over 1776, perhaps we'll be able to see it here.

PS: Hey, 60 Minutes (assuming you still exist) how about sending a camera into supreme Satmar headquarters?

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