
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Apparently, Sderot is full of Jew-hating anti-Semites

...and somehow the NJDC got every single one of them to talk on video about how great Barak Obama is...

Transcript after the jump

0:22 Sasson Sara, resident of Sderot: "Sderot is important to him. The Jewish people are important to him. The State of Israel is important to him."

0:27 David Segev, resident of Sderot: "I trust President Obama. There is no doubt in my mind (that) he knows what he is doing."

0:31 Chaim Yosef, resident of Sderot: "Before the Iron Dome I was afraid to fall asleep because every time the siren went off, I knew I had to run to safety. Now, with the Iron Dome existing, I am a lot less fearful."

0:43 Albert Tsadikov, resident of Sderot: "We know that as long as President Obama is in office, we can sleep peacefully and worry free."

0:51 Jacob Dahan, resident of Sderot: "At first, we were not so certain about Obama. But, fortunately for us, we had a pleasant surprise. (A few) months before the election he visited us here in Sderot. I saw him in my neighborhood. He listened to our concerns and problems. He was very sympathetic towards us. He (saw) the rocket pieces that were shot at us."

1:14 Sara: "Obama is sympathetic to our problems and he supports the protection of the citizens of Israel."

1:24: "He is a good fit for the Jews. He is perfect."

1:26: "I hope that he will succeed. You can count on him. He is a very bright man."

1:31: "He cares about us. No complaints. It is a lie if someone said he doesn't care about us."

1:35: "He does exactly what he is supposed to."

1:38 Gur: "Israel's best friend is undoubtedly Barack Obama. I'm rooting for the guy."

1:43: "I like him very much."

1:45: "He is good for both Jews and Americans."

1:49 Gur: "I'd like to see him in office for another four years. I want to see him in the White House."

1:54: "He has helped us in many situations."

2:11 Pinchas Amar, resident of Sderot: "Thank you Mr. Obama about everything!"

2:16 Dahan: "Mr. Obama, thank you very much. And Good Luck!"

2:17 Tsadikov: "I want to thank you President Obama from all the citizens of Sderot for supporting us. And I want to wish you Good Luck."

2:28: "I give him my blessing and I hope my blessing is acknowledged."

2:36 Segev: "Thank you and good luck. President Obama. And I hope he will be re-elected."

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