
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Right to life sanctimony

A great question asked at the Slog
Republican debate audiences cheer death. They cheer the death of death-row inmates, even the potentially innocent ones. And they cheer the death of the uninsured sick. And yet, Republicans are passionately "Pro-Life" when it comes to the unborn.

Huh. So how do you think Republicans would react to the prospect of an uninsured, unborn fetus, gestating inside the uterus of a death-row inmate?

How would Republicans deal with an uninsured, unborn fetus, gestating inside a death-row inmate?

(1) Bring the fetus to term, then kill the mother. Every life is sacred.
(2) The fetus must take personal responsibility for its own poor choices.
(3) Caught in a logical loop, like Nomad in Star Trek episode #32, they will self-destruct in an enormous explosion.
The Torah True answer is (4) kill the mother and fetus together. This is just one of the Jewish laws that make it clear to anyone paying attention that Judaism and Christianity are not bedfellows on abortion.

After the jump see the Tea Party cheer the death of the uninsured sick

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