
Thursday, October 28, 2010


Here are the tweets I posted as Obama was being interviewed last night on The Daily Show with John Stewart. Those of you who care about one thing, and one thing only, can move along: Israel wasn't mentioned.

Overall: I thought it was a pretty good interview. The president bragged a lot, and fielded his share of softballs, but Stewart, almost to the point of whining, did push the President on failed campaign promises, and timidity.

You can see the whole thing here

MY TWEETS (with some insignificant edits) 

Applause, applause. POUTUS on TDS. First joke is about the crazy D.C. set. Reminds JS of the convention.

Says: Toughest two years since depression Economy that was shrinking is now growing and nine months of job growth #obama on #tds

Ends first segment credibly braging about achievments of first two years "under difficult circumstances" #obama #tds #fb

Stewart asks "If you achieved so much why aren't any Democrats running on your record?" (See how's its done Oreilly?) #obama #tds #fb

BHO says this is what we ran on and that's what we did. Seems surprised millions who came out in 08 have switched on him #obama #tds #fb

Calls Health Care Reform most significant legislation in history and says pls focus on 90 percent we got not the 10 we didn't #obama #tds #fb

Stewart criticizing Obama again for being timid, not enough reform of process (OReilly this is how non lapdog media behaves) #obama #tds #fb

BHO making point now he's not as much in pocket of lobbyists as Bush was. #obama #tds #fb

Stewart continuing to criticize health reform flaws. Obama (figuratively) slaps him with a smile #obama #tds #fb

BHO: "If you're trying to say we didn't reform the US health system overnight that point is made" #obama #tds #fb

Back from commercial Stweart continues to whine not enough change, reform or "rooting out of corruption" #obama #tds #fb

BHO says Larry Summers did a heck of a job. Place cracks up. Blooper? #obama #tds #fb

BHO argues less spent as percentage of GNP to fix recession then was spent on savings and loans. He's still bragging #obama #tds #fb

BHO now says most jobs were lost BEFORE his economic policies were put in place or had effect. #obama #tds #fb

By the way people who are hypersensitive to meaningless symbols BHO is wearing a flag pin #obama #tds #fb

Big finish: Promises energy and immigration reform and more job growth #obama #tds #fb

Finished. Blah interview Was glad Stewart pushed him. #obama #tds #fb

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