
Sunday, February 15, 2009

RamatCa"l Gaby Ashkenazy at the Kotel

A Guest Post by Rafi G.
(originally posted on LII)

Hamodia ran an article, with a picture, about how Gaby Ashkenazy - the IDF Chief of Staff - went to the kotel this week. He went to daven and say thanks to Hashem for the miracles they experienced during the recent Gaza War, and for the success. He also held a se'udas Hoayah with the Rabbi of the kotel, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz.

Whoever says the Israeli army is purely "kochi v'otzem yadi" and therefore bad, does not know what they are talking about.

UPDATE: Searching for a link, I found this article with the same picture on Arutz 7 Hebrew...

-IDF's Chief Rabbi responds to allegations of Pesach desecration
-The Myth of the (Non) Fighting Jew
-The IDF's professionalism
-Praying for Shalit (or not)

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