
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

So now what do we talk about?

A guest post by JS:

It's amazing how thousands and thousands of hours have been spent debating, pontificating, and discussing this election and then all of a sudden there doesn't seem to be anything to talk about anymore. Just like that, it's over and done with and whether you were completely devastated or wholly euphoric last night, it's finished. Of course there will be hindsight analysis of the successes and failures of each candidate, what they did poorly, what they could have done better, mistakes made, opportunities that weren't taken advantage of, but it's still over, and none of that analysis really matters anymore.

Which I think is part of the point. No matter who you voted for, now is the time to come together. Because, really, what else is there to talk about anymore other than the fact that we're all Americans, we're all in this together, and we have a lot of serious issues that need to be resolved and the best way to fix those issues is to work together.

I applaud both McCain and Obama for understanding this last, critical point. Both men were extremely gracious, heroic, and patriotic in their respective concession and acceptance speeches. Both men truly get what it means to be American: to love and support your country and to work hard, win or lose, for its betterment. I hope the rest of America gets the message.

Buy DB's book. (please)

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