
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Seeing Red

A guest post by JS:

It is well-known that only the most treif, immodest, and scandalous women amongst us will wear red. This is in keeping with the well-known edict that part of tzniut (modesty) is not drawing improper attention to oneself. Red is bright, flashy, and the color of lust and desire and thus wearing this color is inappropriate for a modest woman. This is often mocked and derided, but were Chazal so far off the mark?

A new study indicates that perhaps they weren't. The study indicates that even a red border around a woman's picture made her more attractive to males. Red clothing was also tried with similar results. Furthermore, not only was the "lady in red" deemed more attractive, men were willing to spend more money on her as well. There's even research under way trying to prove that women find men in red more attractive as well.

At the same time perhaps this lights up the old debate about whether tzniut is intended to make a person appear less attractive. Did Chazal have some special insight into human nature that has only recently been proven? And does this scientific study add strength and authority to Chazal's words?

Buy DB's book. (please)

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