
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The stupid is strong with this one

Remember Burt Prelutsky the GOP Jew whose self-hating argument in favor of assimilation(!) earned him a lashing from me and Lazer Brody, but a hug from David Duke? Well, yesterday Burt might have topped himself with a know-nothing argument on racism published by Clown Hall. The good parts:

Among the many e-mails I received was one from an black man in New Jersey. He identified himself as a successful entrepreneur in his mid-30s. The tone of his remarks was reasonable and he seemed to be well-educated, but by the time we had had six or eight exchanges, he’d managed to convince me he was an idiot.

True. He must be an idiot. Anyone with even a little imntelligence would have shot down Burt's arguments with no difficulty.

The way I see it, the Democrats have been doing their best to destroy America for the past three decades...

Okay, that's one way to look at it, I suppose. I prefer to go with Molly Ivins who said "It is possible to read the history of this country as one long struggle to extend the liberties established in our Constitution to everyone in America." It hasn't always been smooth sailing, and the Democrats have made their share of mistakes, but the Ivins line correctly sums up the recent agenda of the Democratic party.

And although Lyndon Johnson was in the White House in 1964 when he pushed for the passage of the Civil Rights Act, it became the law of the land because of the Republicans. In the House, only 64% of the Democrats, but 80% of the Republicans, voted for it. In the Senate, while only 68% of the Democrats endorsed the bill, 82% of the Republicans voted to enact it.”

So the fact that the Republicans were split on the Civil Rights Act shows how brave and virtuous they were, wheras the fact that the Democrats were split proves they opposed the legistlation? And Burt haven't you forgotten that once the law passed dozens of southern democrats bolted the party and joined the GOP?

And frome here it only gets worse. More later if I have the time/strength

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