
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Getting it dead wrong

In a failed attempt to mock my post criticizing the brainless lunatics who think they're accomplishing something important when they eat a fake meal on shabbos erev pesach, some annoying troll wrote:

My friend dovbear thinks that some magical and mystical benefit will accrue to him if he removes all bread from his house for 8 days! Not only that, but if he leaves all the bread items in a closet, and pretends to sell them to someone whose mother isn't Jewish, he thinks he will still get this magical benefit.

Ha ha annoying troll! The joke's on you!! I don't avoid bread for the sake of some magical mystical benefit! I do it to honor tradition, and out of fidelity to the Torah: This is what Jews do and have always done, and it is what we beleive the Torah demands. I absolutely do not expect some invisible, intangible reward for it. I expect a reward that is concrete and tangible, a reward that is linked naturally and directly to the act of abstaining from bread itself. Anyone who expects to receive a gold star on his heavenly report card is an infant operating under a delusion. As the midrash says "What does God care if an animal is slaughtered from the back or the front? Rather, the mitsvot were only given to improve us."

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