
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A recipe for scorn

In the back matter of the big Sam Harris book a recipe is published that reveals "the presence of an unrivaled spiritual intelligence." Unfortunately, the analysis may remind you of every OJ dvar torah you ever heard. I can't find it online [except here (registration needed)], but this fellow was nice enough to provide an excerpt:

snapper fillet, cubed
3 teaspoons chopped scallions
salt and freshly ground black pepper
[DB: There are 10 other ingredients]

The snapper fillet, of course, is the individual himself – you and I – awash in the sea of existence. Three teaspoons of chopped scallions further partakes of the cubic symmetry, suggesting that that which we need add to each level of our being by way of antidote comes likewise in equal proportion. Salt and freshly ground black pepper: here we have the perennial invocation of opposites – the white and black aspects of our nature.”

And so on. There are ten ingredients in all, and Harris has an interpretation for every one of them...

Neat, huh?
Vhamayvin yaavin.

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