
Monday, February 05, 2007

Poll: Hillary Trouncing Rudy In New York

Poll: Hillary Trouncing Rudy In New York State
Hillary Clinton is not just beating Rudy Giuliani in his home state — and her adopted state — of New York, but is trouncing the former Mayor by over 20 points in a new poll. The survey, released today by Crain's New York Business, finds that Hillary is beating Rudy 53%-32%.
Hmmm. I thought the rule was Everybody Hates Hillary and Saint Rudy Is A Hero. Guess not. So, what's the take-away lesson? New Yorkers know Rudy (and Hillary) better than anyone so this means something? I'm not sure.

My feelings about Rudy and Hillary are complicated.

First Rudy:
Pros: (1) He did a great job rebuilding the city after 9/11, and I give him an "A-" for the job he did as mayor. (2)He's a liberal (3) He (to date) hasn't pandered to the wingnuts (like, say Romney) by making a show of embracing any of those those stupid GOP buzz issues.

Cons: (1) Before 9/11, he was best known as a bit of a d**k. (2) He's been a firm and loyal supporter of George W. Bush, which suggests poor judgement. (3) He sponsored Bernie Kerick, which also suggests poor judgement (4) Running NYC is a big job, granted, and he did a good job, but it didn't give him any experience with foreign policy.

Now Hillary:
Pros: (1) By all accounts, she's been a great senator (2) She got those crazy Senate wingnuts like Brownback and Inhofe eating out of her hand, which testifies to her skill as a politician. (3) She's a blue chip talent with a first rate brain.

Cons: (1) She's a carpetbagger. I hated the way she just landed in NY and acted like she deserved to be our senator, ahead of actual New Yorkers who paid their debts. (2) She let Bill humiliate her about 10 times too many which suggests poor judgement. (3) I am opposed to political dynasties. In my lifetime, I don't want to see another Bush or Clinton within 200 yards of the oval office.

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