
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Arguing with GOPers

Among the false gods of the Jewish Republican panthenon are these common errors:

1 - Republicans are more moral then Liberals
2 - Democrats are against morality
3 - The Torah more closely coincides with republican values
4 - Bill Clinton was the most evil man to walk the earth since Hitler
5 - The New York Times lies like the rest of us breath
6 - Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Ladin planned 9/11 over a game of
golf (some hold Kerry (or possibly Howard Dean) was the caddie)
7 - George Bush knows what he is doing.
8 - The 'market' is magic

Because it's pretty easy to show that all of this is false, defeating a Republican Jew on the field of argument is usually a cakewalk.


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