
Friday, September 30, 2005

Rua da Judiaria

New Blog

(new to me anyway)

Yeah, it's in Portugese but the posts are easy to read thanks to Google-Translation. Of special notice:
Been born in Lisbon, in 1969, the author of the Street of Judiaria... [d]eriving of a family of cripto-Jewish tradition - with at least three burnt ancestral members in the fogueiras of the Inquisition of Évora and Lisbon, in centuries XVI and XVII -, it returned to the "official judaism", studying Jewish history, theology and cabalá under rabínica orientation in Los Angeles. With académica formation in the area of Sociology, the author of the Street of Judiaria prepares a doutoramento in Jewish History currently. The 3 of April of 2004, married Shlomit Keren Stein, in Raleigh, the Carolina of the North - the first Jewish marriage openly carried through in its family since the establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal, in 1536.

Still today it brings to the chest the Star of David offered for the grandmother in the day where it made 13 years.
I wonder why he's certain he is Jewish, given the uncertainties of 600 years, and I wonder how he met Shlomit Klein of the Carolina of the North. Interesting reading ahead (I hope.)