
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Great mind think alike.

As Krum points out, that photo of the praying protesters and soldiers was everywhere today. At least five blogs posted it, but only one, the blog that boats of its Torah True personality, (though it is named after a Christian magazine) neglected to attribute it to Lamed, though along with the photo, they stole the title.

Who's shocked? Not me.

Another point: There's been a whole lot of ooohing and aaahing about that photo. I don't know why. The pic is only meaningful if you're surprised to see Jews praying together. Unless you've foolishly bought into the myth that the secular military despises God and Torah there's nothing sad or beautiful or especially unusual about that photo. If you needed to be reminded that the protesters and the soldiers are more alike than different, well, shame on you.

In Israel, soldiers and civillians praying together, thank god, is just another day in the life.