
Friday, November 19, 2004


Ok, I admit to being very late to the whole "She" thing, but has it occured to anyone that the Peter Pan she married, might not be the self-same Peter Pan who broke her heart?

The ending is too neat, too clean. And, by my math, occured years after the first Peter left She a broken, defeated and dumped woman. If Peter's so hot, why was he still single? Good boys go quickly in She's world.

And did She give Mr. Right the name "Peter Pan" because he refuses to grow up? Because he wears green underwear? Because she wants, one day, to be surrounded by a brood of hellion children? Or did She crush on Sandy Duncan as a youngster?

Hap tip Cookie


  1. I've interviewed "She" for an article I was pursuing at the time. She is a real person and claims all the stories are true, and from our interview she seems genuine to me. One COULD be cynical about it (your choice), but I didn't hear any reason to be when talking to her.

    Chayyei Sarah

  2. I'm not cynical about the stories. Just the ending. It's too perfect, too happy.

    And I wonder, too, about the name (Peter Pan) she chose for her zug.

  3. I've witnessed first-hand several similar stories - religious people who dated, seemed perfect for one another, and the guy broke it off, only to get back together several years later and walk off into the sunset. The guy was always not quite ready (Peter Pan, if you will). It's an artifact of the shidduch world where men have to insist they do want to marry even when they aren't quite ready (that happens in the secular world too, of course, but perhaps the pressures are a bit different, and it lands up being people who live together w/ the guy not wanting to marry, and therefore, this outcome of getting back together may happen less often.)
    On occasion, it happens when a girl breaks it off because "I wanted a guy who is learning" and etc. and later decides she was foisting a theoretical ideal on the person she actually wanted to marry. Still, I know more Peter Pans than girls who broke up with a guy who pined for them and later married them. Maybe just coincidence of who I know, but I doubt it.

  4. I've witnessed first-hand several similar stories - religious people who dated, seemed perfect for one another, and the guy broke it off, only to get back together several years later and walk off into the sunset. The guy was always not quite ready (Peter Pan, if you will). It's an artifact of the shidduch world where men have to insist they do want to marry even when they aren't quite ready (that happens in the secular world too, of course, but perhaps the pressures are a bit different, and it lands up being people who live together w/ the guy not wanting to marry, and therefore, this outcome of getting back together may happen less often.)
    On occasion, it happens when a girl breaks it off because "I wanted a guy who is learning" and etc. and later decides she was foisting a theoretical ideal on the person she actually wanted to marry. Still, I know more Peter Pans than girls who broke up with a guy who pined for them and later married them. Maybe just coincidence of who I know, but I doubt it.

  5. apologies for duplicates....
