
Thursday, November 11, 2004


Our favorite self-appointed champions of media accuracy and political correctness, are, no doubt, already hard at work pulverizing The New York Times, CNN, et al, for their coverage of Yasser Arafat's death.

Yay ugliness!

DovBear wants to help. If you'd like to celebrate the death of the most notorious villain of our time by throwing sand in the eye of a major media conglomerate, here are some simple rules of media criticism to follow:

1. If it's not above the fold on Page 1, it's buried.
2. If it's above the fold on Page 1, it's sensationalized.
3. Everything but the entire universe is out of context.
4. If you can't criticize what's in a story, criticize what isn't in it.
5. And vice versa
6. If it's not a hatchet job, it's a puff piece.
7. And vice versa.
8. No one can ever be accurately quoted.
9. All stories that fail to shoe-horn in the problems on my agenda or to make mention of the problems that matter to me are biased and dishonest.
10. Everything newspapers do is done to sell papers, and selling papers is bad.


  1. Political Correctness???

    Aren't the politically correct people the ones who are propping up Arafat and making him seem like less than a murdering slime than he was?

    The people who are calling foul about that aren't the PC people, you jerk!

  2. There's really nothing like being chided about your vocabulary by an indigent reader. It make me wish I'd started blogging years ago.

    Dear friend, "political correctness" is:

    the avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or insult people.

    If, in the course of memoralizing Arafat, the media excludes, or marginilizes or insults the jewish people, you can be sure there a slew of crack media critics and freelancing amatures (like Yuter, a mild-manned rabbi in his every day life, who got in the game today) will be there to let us know.
