
Monday, March 02, 2015

Hey GOP Jews, feeling betrayed?

Wow, but did Bibi Netanyahu throw all of you GOP Jews right under the bus during his speech to AIPAC today:
I deeply appreciate all that President Obama has done for Israel, security cooperation, intelligence sharing, support at the U.N., and much more, some things that I, as prime minister of Israel, cannot even divulge to you because it remains in the realm of the confidences that are kept between an American president and an Israeli prime minister. I am deeply grateful for this support, and so should you be.
Then he slams two of your sainted heros
In 1981, under the leadership of Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Israel destroyed the nuclear reactor at Osirak. The United States [UNDER SAINT RONALD REAGAN PBUH] criticized Israel and suspended arms transfers for three months. And in 2002, after the worst wave of Palestinian terror attacks in Israel's history, Prime Minister Sharon launched Operation Defensive Shield. The United States [UNDER SAINT GEORGE W. BUSH PBUH] demanded that Israel withdraw its troops immediately, but Sharon continued until the operation was completed. There's a reason I mention all these. I mention them to make a point. Despite occasional disagreements, the friendship between America and Israel grew stronger and stronger, decade after decade.
Before concluding by giving his middle finger to the idea that Obama has damaged the relationship
Ladies and gentlemen, Israel and the United States will continue to stand together because America and Israel are more than friends. We're like a family. We're practically mishpocha.
Now, disagreements in the family are always uncomfortable, but we must always remember that we are family. Rooted in a common heritage, upholding common values, sharing a common destiny.

And that's the message I came to tell you today. Our alliance is sound. Our friendship is strong. And with your efforts it will get even stronger in the years to come.
As I tweeted 

  1. to AIPAC: "I am deeply grateful for [OBAMA's] support, and so should you be." // Feeling betrayed GOP Jews??
  2. to AIPAC "I deeply appreciate all that [POTUS] has done for Israel" // 1000s of uberchacham GOP Jews now baffled
  3. to AIPAC: "[US-Israel] alliance is stronger than ever." Srsly Bibi? Every single one of GOP Jewish followers disagrees with you

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