
Thursday, August 09, 2012

L'Hamtik haDaf by RPML: Brachos 8

Gra on BT Brachos 8a

Raish Lokish said anyone who has a Beis Knesses [=Shul]  in his town and fails to attend Tefillah is called a Shochein Ra, a bad neighbour. Why specifically is he designated a bad neighbour, as opposed to some other name?

The Mishkan (mem, shin, chof, nun) held four main keylim, the Aron, also called the Mita (mem), the Shulchan (shin), the Mizbeach, also called Cisei (chof) and the Menorah, also called Ner (nun).

Post the Churban, the Anshei Knesses haGedolah instituted the current form of the three daily Tefillohs in recognition of what we had lost. [DB: Not so, but whatever] We retained Torah, which represents the Aron/Mita (mem), but lost the other three keylim. The Tefillohs therefore hint at three lost Tomidim: "Aish Tomid" which represents the Mizbeach/Cisei (chof), the "Ner Tomid" which represents the Menorah/Ner (nun), and the "Lechem Tomid" which represents the Shulchan (shin).

Therefore, one who fails to daven in shul is designated a Shochein Ra.

DB: So, does Reish Lokish mean he's a literal bad neighbor? Or did he mean something mnemonic having nothing to do with his qualities as a neighbor? 

Maharsha  on BT Brachos 8b

The Gemara tells us that Dovid haMelech =[King David] didn't start saying Hallelukah [=Hallilujah, the last word in several of the later Psalms] until he (prophetically) saw the downfall of the wicked. The Maharsha says this seems to contradict what we learn in the Midrash that we don't say Hallel on the final days of Pesach because "HKBH says - my creation (the Mitzrim) drown, and you are going to say Shira!" [DB: Oh my! Where is @LisaLiel? Is she still insisting that no good Jew in the world has ever said made such a libby comment?] See ]

The Maharsha therefore suggests an alternative reason for not saying Hallel, namely that Hallel was instituted only when there was a change in the korban [=sacrifice] brought from one day to the next, which was not the case between the first and last days of Pesach.

This explanation of the Maharsha seems at first sight to leave hanging the Gemara in Sanhedrin; but I have heard another explanation for that Gemara which removes the difficulty once the Maharsha supplies his alternative reason for not saying Hallel.

When Sanchereb's army, which was besieging Jerusalem, was wiped out by the plague in a single night, we are told it was because the angels sang Shira. [DB: Where?] If this is the case, why then didn't the angels sing Shira to kill the Mitzrim at the Yam by means of a plague? HKBH gives the answer - "My creations (Bnei Yisrael) drown (by the Mitzrim who caused their male children to be thrown in the river) and you (the angels) want to say Shira? No, their death must be mida kneged mida. I Hashem will kill them by drowning."

DB: This whole thing about the singing angels is nothing but a clever drash on a scribal error. See and

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1 comment:

  1. You can't judge a tree by its bark.

    8eIxu 4sWoj 5nGnb 8xLbg 3sZax 3bDtn 5zFsf 1xZei 1pZpr
