
Sunday, September 04, 2011

A post I hope will definitively prove that the rich get more from government.

Consider the following questions:

You have one truck. I have 10000. Which of us gets more benefits from the roads?

I have one store you have 500. Which of us gets more benefit from the neighborhood security service?

I employ one Ph.D. You employ 500. Which of us gets more benefit from public universities and government subsidized loans?

You have 10,000 trucks. I have one. Which of us benefited more from the military and diplomatic apparatuses that keep the price of oil down?

I manufacture merchandise overseas. You do not. Which of us benefited more from the embassy in that country, and the navy that keeps shipping lanes open?

My business depends on technology that was developed in a government lab, by government employed researchers. Yours doesn't. Which of us received a greater benefit from government supplied R & D?

If I put one dollar in a safe and you put 1 million dollars in that same safe, who received a greater benefit from the safe?

If I have nothing and you have 1 million dollars and no safe exists, which of us will have to reach into our pockets and purchase a safe?

Search for more information about arguments I've won at

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