
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Debbie Schlussel Hates Fat People

Most absurd sentence of the day award goes to Debbie Shlussel, who opens her full fusilage attack on Gabby Sidebe with this gem

It’s one thing to be against the government getting involved in what you eat or how much you weigh. Big Brother shouldn’t be in our kitchens or on our dinner tables. But it’s entirely another thing to be subject to the constant, intellectually dishonest promotion of fat people as “beautiful” and “sexy.”

Ah yes, "the constant promotion of fat people as beautiful and sexy". It is everywhere and never-ending. No matter where I look I see the evil, leftist, media attempting to countermand human nature and convince us that fatties are hot. That's why we get fat models on Project Runway, fat woman in the lead roles of major motion pictures, and all those fat women on the cover of major magazines. (Turning your fantasies into evidence, by the way, is typical of RW commentary. These pro-fat messages don't exist, yet Debs is shameless enough to say the promotions are "constant.")

And though Debbie clearly hates fat people (or black, fat people who enjoy more success than she does) I don't ever recall her attempting to do something about it. Her side, and her candidates, roundly oppose any attempt to educate the public about healthy eating choices or the dangers of obesity, and she herself has opposed Michelle Obama's attempt to improve school lunches. The proof of Debbie's venality is that instead of writing a legitimate column about the dangers of obesity, and the role government and the media play, she gives us no less than 8 paragraphs that do little aside from viciously insulting a woman who obviously suffers from some kind of disorder.

Search for more information about Debbie Schlussel, the Ann Coulter wannabe at

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