A Guest Post by Rafi G
Do you believe in the power of a segulah? What about the magical aspect of a segulah not working - would you chalk it up to a segulah that didn't work or would you say the failure was also a miracle and magical?
A segula that did not work, is now being called a miracle.
Rav Yisrael Yaakov Fisher, aka Dayan Fisher, ztl, was big into providing segulas for pregnant women who were having problems. And of all the different segulas an rabbis who gave out segulas, people swore by Dayan Fishers segulas and considered him a master at these things, despite his not being sfardi.
Kikar reports that one of Dayan Fishers segulas was tested recently, and it didn't work. But they then found out that it was a miracle it didnt work.
The situation was that a woman was told her baby was breach. Being that she was already in her 9th month of pregnancy, it had to be turned quickly. Instead of hoping for it to turn on its own and instead of having the doctor force the baby to turn, they decide they would first try Dayan Fisher's segula.
The segula for getting a baby to turn is to go to the Sataf (a spring near Ein Kerem) and to drink water from the spring, passing the water first from the husband to the wife (note: before you rely on this, get the exact details of what needs to be done).
Rav Fisher swore by this segula saying it always worked and he promised it would always work. The only time it would not work is if the umbilical cord was wrapped around the babies neck.
Sure enough, his couple with the breach baby went to Sataf and performed the segula.
When they went back to the doctor, they found out the baby was still breach, meaning the segula had not worked.
As they were preparing for the doctors appointment for the baby to be physically turned, they went through some monitoring and ultrasound tests. After the results came back that all is ok and they can go for the procedure, the husband asked the technician to please check again to make sure the cord is not wrapped around the neck. She agreed and checked it again. After calling in a doctor, they realized the cord was wrapped around the neck.
Had the baby turned, the baby would have died. The segula did not work because the cord was around the neck and the miracle saved the baby.
They performed a c-section and the baby was BH healthy.
Miraculously in this case the segula did not work! Mazel tov!
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