
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

When will Yeshiva World Stop Lying about Obama?

Via Facebook, I see Yeshiva World has put up another Spira article attacking Obama. Like most Yeshiva World articles that attack Obama, this one contains no sources, no links or references to the legitimate media, and no facts. It's complete lies, from begining to end. Even the headline is a lie. It reads: "Obama Wants to Take Yerushalayim from Am Yisrael." Really? The president has only asserted a million and one times that Jeruslaem won't be divided and that it must remain the capital of Israel. So who's whispering alternative versions of reality into Mr. Spira's ears?

Could Spira be an Obama insider? Most YeshivaWorld articles are ripped straight from the pages of other newspapers. This one wasn't. Its much too poorly written to have been stolen from the usual YeshivaWorld sources, so perhaps Spira is part of the inner circle. Does he have a source in the state department whispering in his ear? Or is he just a guy with a laptop who makes stuff up?

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