
Monday, April 28, 2008

So how did you handle the Pre-Seder Shabbat challah question?

A guest post by TikunOlam

So first off, my three day yom tov at my parents turned out to be really, really nice.

Wanted to ask all of you if your Shabbat prior to the Sedarim looked anything like the one in my parents' neighborhood. They held minyan very early in the morning so that everyone could be home by 10:30 am. We then said Kiddish, made Hamotzei over challah (away from the table which was set with Pesach silverware as of course the house was already Pesach ready) and then recited Birkat Hamazon.

We then made another Hamotzei for Seuda Shlishit on challah (which we ate in the backyard) and continued to have a meal toward noon. A question arised as to whether we needed to rinse out ours mouths after eating the challah as the meal was continued (now inside the house) using the Pesach silverware.

I thought this was all very interesting and I don't remember ever doing it this way before. Was it handled the same way in your home?

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