
Monday, February 18, 2008

Today's non-Issue

Summary: Obama's speech last weekend, included a riff previously heard from the mouth Deval Patrick when he was running for Governor of MA. Instead of annoucing the words were written by Patrick's speech writer, Obama behaved as if they had been written by his own speech-writer. (Incidently, both men rip off MLK, JFK, and the Decleration of Independance without attribution.)

The hopeful sign: If a speech-writer working for Gore, Clinton, or Kerry had done this the so-called liberal media would have crucified the candidate without nails. The fact that Obama is so far unscathed suggests that perhaps the rules have finally changed, and Democrats are going to get the same sort of deference and respect from the media that Republican candidates traditionaly receive. If this accidently borrowed riff announces the end of IOIYAR, we can all celebrate

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