
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Relaxing movies about killing people

I saw Syriana last night. What the freakin heck was that movie about? It made no sense. Why did Bob go to Beirut? Who the heck was Mousawi? Why was he torturing Bob? What was that conversation between Bob and his son about? Pakistan? Since when was he going to Pakistan? And why did Bob fly to the Gulf to warn the prince? How did he even know about the intended hit, since he was under investigation and had no access to any systems? And what on earth was Matt Damon upto? And who was the corrupt ‘fall guy’ they kept mentioning? And who was the black guy’s boss? And when and why did the black guy turn from being upstanding lawyer to a corrupt ‘let’s just do this for appearences sake’ ? And that older guy, who Bob threatened, who the heck was he? And who were the suicide bombers working for? Why did they hit the oil terminal? Just random violence?

Was I just having a bad day or did this movie make no sense at all?

My wife rented it to relax as I have been stressed lately. Last week she rented ‘Munich’ and I’m still freaked out about that. Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I just don’t find movies about terrorists and killing to be all that relaxing. Next time she’ll probably rent 9/11 or something. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.

1 comment:

  1. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.

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