by Cousin Oliver
My wife brought an annoyance of hers to my attention knowing that I've had similar annoyances regarding similar issues and would share in her annoyance.
In order to upkeep and maintain our local mikvah, the mikvah requires payment from its patrons. Just like any other service, people should pay for use. The annoyance my wife and I share is that if a family is categorized as a "kollel" family, they are entitled to a reduced price. As far as I can tell, a girl who is a kollel wife has to use the mikvah in the same exact way a non-kollel wife does. The showers are the same, the towel use is the same, and the mikvah ladies do the same thing. Yet, if a girls husband chooses to learn all day instead of go to work all day, they get a discount. What is this discount based on?
I know of many many couples where the wife works and the husband works, both full time, in order to provide for their families. These families have a harder time living then many kollel families that I see. Yet, the kollel family is rewarded and the family that chooses to work suffers more when the working family may need the break more then the kollel family.
Its bull.
Ignorance is the curse of God, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.
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