
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Kugel and The Pentagon.

Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel
Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel
Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel
Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel

Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel
Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel
Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel
Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel Kugel

Last Friday at my son's impressive graduation from second grade, they served...Yerushalmi Kugel. I must admit, that eating kugel on any day of the week except for Shabbat is definitely bizarre (almost as bad as eating chulent on a Tuesday), but it never occured to me that it would be served on a Friday morning at my son's school.

It tasted excellent as well -- not the sweet kind, but the mouth- watering, peppery type that makes you have to eat another piece.

However, the Pentagon seems to have a problem with Kugel. Or more specifically, with Jews who have relatives in Israel who like Kugel.

Defense Dept. imposes loyalty test on American Jews

The Pentagon has banned security clearance to Americans with relatives in Israel. Government sources and attorneys said the Pentagon has sought and succeeded in removing security clearance from dozens of Americans, mostly Jews, who either lived, worked or have relatives in Israel. Official documents report that American Jews were asked by Pentagon examiners whether they would join a U.S. attack on Israel if the Jewish state was threatened. Web Source: Insight Magazine

That's enough to give anyone heartburn.


Mis-Nagid: Was that different enough a posting?

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