
Monday, July 25, 2005

"I have no compassion for murderers... They should be punished. Severely"

Received an idiotic comment yesterday, a comment that permits me to share some important points about my views on Israel. So forgive me for reprinting it here, along with my reply:

Thank you Bluke. DB continues to bemoan the woeful plight of the Palestinians living in this made up refugee situation.

I also bemoan the fate of Jews who suffer from this. My heart is big enough to sympathize with innocent parties on both sides of the conflict.

As if there is such a thing as Palestinians.

What does that have to do with anything? Call them Martians. Call them Zibblehoops. Call them anything you like. They are still people, many of whom are suffering through no fault of their own. Who cares what they call themselves?

If Israel offered a transfer to Egypt or any Arab country in the world (which strangely, would never accept their Arab brothers and sisters....hmmm.....)

Would you expect any country to accept millions of refuges? The US wouldn't do it. Canada wouldn't do it. Britain wouldn't do it. So why should any Arab country? Because you have some condescending and patronizing notion about Arab "brotherhood?"

If Israel offered a transfer to Egypt or any Arab country in the world... with compensation, DB would be protesting and demanding the "Palestinians" be allowed to live freely anywhere they wished.

No, I wouldn't. I would be encouraging Arabs to take the money and go. Don't try to read my mind. Paying Arabs to move is a wonderful solution to the current problem. I'd support it fully.

When will the left wake up and realize this has never been about a homeland for displaced persons

Ariel Sharon is on the right.

When will the left wake up and realize this has never been about a homeland for displaced persons but about seeing the end of Israel?

That's part of it. But not all of it. This isn't a simple problem, so your simple explanation fails.

He's so smart. So all knowing. So full of compassion for murderers and those that train their youth to be murderers.

Nope I have no compassion for murderers, and those "who train their youth to be murderers.". None. Zero. They should be punished. Severely. My compassion is reserved for those who aren't murderers. Do you see the difference? Or is your mind so narrow and so poisoned, that you're unable to accept that some Arabs, Palestinians even, aren't murderers?

Actually, DB sounds like someone who stays home when Parshas Zachor is read. Take a hint from Rambam: Morality is not defined by any mortal.

Tell you what. When Israel stones adulterers and sabbath desecraters, you can use the halacha to punish Arabs. Don't be such a frumack when it comes to the Arabs, unless you're going to hold Jews to the same Torah standards.