
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Time for a non-Pope-related game

What follows are the approval ratings for presidents as recorded by Gallup in the March following their re-election:

Truman, 1949: 57%.

Eisenhower, 1957: 65%.

Johnson, 1965: 69%.

Nixon, 1973: 57%.

Reagan, 1985: 56%.

Clinton, 1997: 59%

Ok, your mission should you choose to accept it... You've all heard the "liberal" media refer to Bush as a "popular president" or a "very popular president," or best yet a "popular wartime president." so how do you think president populars March approval ratings match up with those of his predecessors?

Are Bush's March 05 approval ratings:

(a) Much higher: in the seventies or better

(b) About the same: somewhere in the high fifties to high sixties

(c) Much lower: in the forties or worse.

Hint: All the Texans I know think they are the most popular person in the room when actually everyone is trying to avoid them.