
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Is this a private party?
Or can anyone play?

Newsday reports that the Vatican is celebrating the Pope's suffering.
As John Paul was rushed to the hospital for the second time in three weeks with breathing problems Thursday, the Vatican newspaper suggested he was sharing in Christ's suffering and said "the bed of pain" has become "the cathedral of life."

Vatican Cardinal Renato Martino called it "a real example of how to accept human suffering."
Not fair.

When I tell people the Pope's torment is worthy of celebration, they shoot ugly looks my way and mutter that all I really want is to mix his blood into matzahs.

In other news, the people with whom I go to shul are saying that I sound really pretentious when I use phrases like "the people with whom I go to shul." Also, they think Karol Wojtyla was "good for the Jews."

No, no, no - a thousand times no.

If you promise not to start snoring I'll tell you all about it.